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A risk model to predict severe postpartum hemorrhage in patients with placenta previa: a single-center retrospective study

	author = {Cheng Chen and Xiaoyan Liu and Dan Chen and Song Huang and Xiaoli Yan and Heying Liu and Qing Chang and Zhiqing Liang},
	title = {A risk model to predict severe postpartum hemorrhage in patients with placenta previa: a single-center retrospective study},
	journal = {Annals of Palliative Medicine},
	volume = {8},
	number = {5},
	year = {2019},
	keywords = {},
	abstract = {Background: The study aimed to establish a predictive risk model for severe postpartum hemorrhage in placenta previa using clinical and placental ultrasound imaging performed prior to delivery.
Methods: Postpartum hemorrhage patients were retrospectively enrolled. Severe postpartum hemorrhage was defined as exceeding 1,500 mL. Data collected included clinical and placental ultrasound images.
Results: Age of pregnancy, time of delivery, time of miscarriage, history of vaginal delivery, gestational weeks at pregnancy termination, depth of placenta invading the uterine muscle wall were independent risk factors for severe postpartum hemorrhage in placenta previa. A model to predict severe postpartum hemorrhage in placenta previa was established: P=Log(Y/1−Y), where Y =−6.942 + 0.075 X1 (age) +1.531 X2 (times of delivery) + 0.223 X3 (time of miscarriage) − 3.557X4 (vaginal delivery: 1 for yes, 0 for no) + 1.753 X5 (0 for },
	issn = {2224-5839},	url = {}