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Analysis of daily goal sheets on physician-nurse collaboration attitude

	author = {Xin Qian and Li Jun Li and Yi Yu Zhuang and Yu Cai Hong and Zhong Heng Zhang and Li Feng Xing and Ning Liu and Hong Chao Li and Ru Jin Zhang and Fu-Chih Lai and Charles B. Simone II and Edward Chow and Written on behalf of AME Nursing Research Collaborative Group},
	title = {Analysis of daily goal sheets on physician-nurse collaboration  attitude},
	journal = {Annals of Palliative Medicine},
	volume = {9},
	number = {1},
	year = {2020},
	keywords = {},
	abstract = {Background: Optimal communication and collaboration between inter-disciplinary health care providers is critical to ensuring high quality patient care. We aimed to quantify the impact on physician-nurse collaboration (PNC) of implementing daily goal sheets (DGSs) in emergency settings.
Methods: The usage of a DGS was administered in morning rounds in an emergency intensive care unit (ICU) for four consecutive months. A Jefferson Scale of Attitudes Toward Physician-Nurse Collaboration (JSAPNC) form was used before (n=113) and after (n=107) the intervention to evaluate the attitudes of PNCs from the perspective of both physicians and nurses.
Results: There is a significant positive relation between the attitude to PNC and the participant age, educational background, and professional rank and title before DGS application (P},
	issn = {2224-5839},	url = {}