Who will make it home to die—an editorial on a new validated tool

Who will make it home to die—an editorial on a new validated tool

Davinia S. E. Seah1,2^, Gemma Meyers1

1Sacred Heart Health Service, Sydney, NSW, Australia; 2St. Vincent’s Clinical School, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia

^ORCID: 0000-0002-5964-1721.

Correspondence to: Davinia S. E. Seah, MBBS, MPH, FRACP, FaChPM. Sacred Heart Health Service, 170 Darlinghurst Road, Darlinghurst, Sydney, NSW 2010, Australia; St. Vincent’s Clinical School, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia. Email: davinia.seah@svha.org.au.

Comment on: Nakajima K, Murakami N, Kajiura S, et al. Diagnostic accuracy of a predictive scoring tool for patients who are eligible for home discharge from a palliative care unit. Ann Palliat Med 2023;12:291-300.

Keywords: Palliative care; decision making; prognosis; patient discharge; neoplasms

Submitted Mar 24, 2023. Accepted for publication May 23, 2023. Published online Jun 14, 2023.

doi: 10.21037/apm-23-339


This new Japanese study by Nakajima et al. titled ‘Diagnostic accuracy of a predictive scoring tool for patients who are eligible for home discharge from a palliative care unit’ describes the development of a predictive scoring tool to identify patients dying of a malignant disease that can be discharged from a palliative care unit, and achieve a home death (1). This is the first paper to formulate and validate a predictive tool for patients discharged from a palliative care unit that may achieve a home death. Two conditions need to be considered: the patient survives their palliative care unit stay and can have a home death. While the clinical importance of such a tool is easy to see, a single predictive tool may be challenging due to cultural, geographical and structural variations.

Factors associated with place of death

There is often a mismatch between patients’ preferred place of death and actual place of death, with fewer patients dying at home than fulfilling their preference for home death (2,3). There is also a growing recognition that the place of death is distinct from the place of care, and these preferences change with time (3). Four systematic reviews have explored the factors that predict home death (4-7). All describe substantial variability among results and weaker study designs, which could partly be attributed to the difficulty of having robust study design in this setting (5). One of these reviews developed a framework for how the different factors may interact (4). They identified three categories of factors: those related to the patient’s illness, individual, and environmental factors. Illness factors include disease trajectory, symptoms and functional status. Individual factors were more fixed and related to patients’ core values and beliefs, such as gender, demographic variables and patient preferences. Environmental factors encompass patients’ social supports such as caregiver availability, experience, and preferences for location of care. Environmental factors also included the healthcare supports available in a patient’s geographical area, particularly service from the palliative care community team. These factors are summarised in Table 1 below.

Table 1

Summary of factors associated with place of death

Categories Variables Factors Most likely location of death
Factors related to illness Type of cancer Non-solid tumours (leukemia/lymphoma) Hospital
Lung cancer No effect
Prostate gastrointestinal tract, breast No effect
Non-malignant diseases Cardiovascular disease Hospital
Dying trajectory Long trajectory of disease Home
Low functional status Home
Symptoms Fatigue/weight loss/weakness/dyspnoea/breathlessness/nausea/vomiting/psychological No effect
Pain No effect/home
Individual factors Demographic variables Good social conditions No effect
Ethnic minorities Hospital
Sex No effect
Personal variables Patient preference Home
Environmental factors Health care input Use of home care Home
Intensity of home care Home
Availability of home care Home
Availability of inpatient beds Hospital
Previous admission to hospital Hospital
Long length of admission Hospital
Community and family physician support Home
Rural environment Home
Areas with greater hospital provision Hospital
Timing of referral to palliative care prior to discharge <8 days Home
Involvement of multidisciplinary palliative care community team Hospital
Social support Living with relatives Home
Extended family support Home
Being married No effect
Caregivers’ preference Home
Congruence between patient and family preference versus no preference Home
Caregiver age No effect
Caregivers sex No effect
Caregivers’ relationship to patient No effect
Macrosocial variables Historic trends Home/hospital

Table modified from Gomes et al. (4) with permission from copyright holder BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. Addition information () from Costa et al. (7).

What tools exist to identify patients likely to achieve a home death?

Whilst there are several tools to assist with the prognostication of patients (8), few tools answer the specific questions of which patients can be discharged from a palliative care unit who can have a home death. Some studies have identified the outcomes of those discharged from the palliative care unit (9,10), which may include the location of death.

Other than the study by Nakajima et al. (1), two other studies that have developed predictive tools to identify patients more likely to achieve home death will be discussed here (11,12). The first study, a prospective Spanish study from Alonso-Babarro et al. (11), sought to develop a decision-making model after identifying factors associated with at-home death among patients with advanced cancer who received care from a palliative home care team. When three variables, the caregiver’s preferred place of death, the patient’s preferred place of death and the caregivers’ perceived social support, were included in the model, it had a sensitivity of 96% and a specificity of 81% in predicting the place of death (11). The C-statistic of the model was 0.94. The C-statistic, also known as the concordance statistic, measures how well a risk algorithm performance can distinguish subjects who will develop an event- in this case, who will die at home. Models with a C-statistic higher than 0.7 are considered reasonable, and greater than 0.8 are considered strong (13).

The second study, a Japanese study from Fukui et al. aimed to determine the predictive value of a clinical tool to predict home deaths in discharged patients from acute hospital care hospitals in Japan (12). The tool was derived initially from the Japanese version of the Support Team Assessment Schedule (STAS-J), which measures patient symptoms, anxiety and insight, family anxiety and insight, quality of communication with health care professionals and carers and the need for practical support (14). When the authors included five variables such as patient’s and caregivers’ preferences for home death, availability of visiting physicians, 24 h contact between physicians and nurses, whether a caregiver had a previous experience of watching someone die at home, and patient’s insights as to their prognosis into their model, home death was predicted with a sensitivity of 72% and a specificity of 81% with the C-statistic of 0.84.

What’s different about the Nakajima study?

The Nakajima study focused on patients with cancer who were discharged from palliative care units rather than patients who were known to palliative home care services or discharged from an acute hospital (11,12). It included 5 factors in their model, including two patient illness factors, such as caloric intake on the day of admission and symptoms that resulted in hospitalisation, which was not fatigue, one individual factor, such as sex; and two environmental factors, such as the availability of daytime carers and the family’s preferred place of care. It had a C-statistic of 0.949, signaling a strong model. It used a training-test procedure to validate their model (1), which was not done in Alonso-Babarro et al.’s (11) and Fukui et al.’s (12) studies.

Key considerations in Nakajima’s study

Whilst illness and individual factors are discussed below, an emphasis is placed on environmental factors as modifiable variables.

Illness factors: symptoms

Symptom burden and management, a key element of palliative care provision, was included in Nakajima et al.’s study but not in Alonso-Babarro et al. and Fukui et al.’s developed predictive tools (11,12). Symptoms were not asked in Alonso-Babarro et al.’s study and did not reach statistical significance in the univariate analysis in Fukui et al.’s study. The results of other studies that have examined symptom factors associated with a home death have been variable; one Canadian study found that patients admitted for symptom control were more likely to be discharged home, with patients with more severe symptoms being more likely to die in an acute palliative care unit (15). Another Japanese study found the presence of delirium to be associated with home death and the presence of symptoms such as breathlessness and pain to be associated with in-hospital death (16).

Individual factors: sex

Being of the female gender is a novel independent factor with the lowest odds ratio in Nakajima et al.’s study that has not been identified in previous studies (4,11,12,17). The authors of this study hypothesise that female patients were more likely to have children as caregivers than spouses and therefore younger and more capable of physical care than elderly spouses.

Environmental factors: caregivers and local health services

All three studies, Alonso-Barro et al., Fukui et al., and Nakajima et al., identified several factors related to the caregiver (11,12), including their preferred place of death for the patient and support for the caregiver or the availability of the caregiver. However, it is unclear which caregiver factors are most important and how to distil this into a simple question. All three studies explored how much support caregivers have by asking if other assistance was provided to family caregivers or if there was a daytime caregiver.

Nakajima et al. did not include local health care or palliative care services as a factor associated with home death (1). The study did mention that active home discharge services are part of usual care, although it was unclear what services are provided. Alonso-Barro et al. and Fukui et al.’s studies explored these factors with Fukui et al., including the availability of physicians able to make home visits and 24-h contact with the community team being available in their model. Alonso-Babarro et al. demonstrated that the number of community team home visits as a percentage of the total number of days linked to the service was associated with home death. Previous research has shown that involvement of the palliative care team increases the likelihood of home death (18,19). The timing of referral to palliative care before discharge is also associated with home death, with referral needing to occur at least 8 days before discharge (20).

Environmental factors-routine clinical practice or culture

Environmental factors, such as routine clinical practice or culture, may influence the tool’s usefulness. For example, caloric intake is not routinely measured reliably in all healthcare settings. This requires training or resources to initiate routine measurement by staff, often time-poor in a busy ward. Family dynamics and set-up are strongly influenced by culture and may differ between Western and Eastern cultures. Some ethnic groups may place more importance on family units and caring for elders and have different approaches than Western cultures (21). In Western cultures, patient preference may be more critical in determining the location of death (12). This would affect the relevance of factors included in the tool in different cultural settings and may affect the question about the female gender as fewer children care for parents in Western culture. However, caregiving dynamics are changing (22). Western cultures may have other supports, such as the availability of personal care workers, that have also been shown to increase the likelihood of having a home death (17).

What are the implications of this study?

It is easy to see the utility of a predictive tool to help clinicians determine which patients are most likely to discharge home successfully, particularly in an environment with growing demand for palliative care inpatient admissions, community involvement, and finite hospital resources. Clinicians could refer the patients earlier for allied health assessments and arrange for community support, potentially resulting in shorter inpatient admission and a higher probability of being discharged home and remaining at home. When clinicians can confidently identify which patients can be discharged home, targeted preparation for caregivers can be initiated earlier. Caregivers may consider being involved in more hands-on caregiving whilst the patient is still in the hospital, such as being trained to give subcutaneous medications or learning to care for a bedbound patient. The importance of the caregiver and support for the caregiver is clearly demonstrated in Nakajima et al.’s study and other studies for patients who achieve a home death (1,11,12). This has critical implications for health service delivery and policymakers considering supporting or investing in community services.

This tool also has important implications for those identified as less likely to go home at the start of the palliative care unit admission. It provides objective support for clinicians to facilitate discussions around potential end-of-life care in the unit or other options for the place of care. However, there are some limitations to the applicability of this study.

Other considerations which this study does not address

Non-malignancy status

Most studies, including the Nakajima study (1,11,12,15), have only focused on patients with malignancy. There has been an increasing awareness that patients with non-malignant diseases have similar symptom burdens, need palliative care and are increasingly referred to palliative care services (23,24). It would be essential to know if such factors and tools were relevant to patients with non-malignant disorders known to the palliative care service.

Residential aged care facilities

It is unclear if the Nakajima study considers a residential aged care facility as the patient’s home if that was their place of care before palliative care unit admission. Indeed, the Nakajima study does not address predicting a death in an aged care facility. A tool that could predict death in an aged care facility rather than a home death may be useful given that, internationally, many deaths occur in aged care facilities (25).


In conclusion, this is an important study providing clinicians with a tool to identify which patients could be discharged home at the time of admission to a palliative care unit, guiding clinicians, patients, and their families about the potential outcome at the end of a palliative care unit admission. The tools may need further validation in other geographical areas with cultural and healthcare services differences. More than just aiding physicians to predict those patients more likely to achieve home death, such research would assist policymakers in determining where changes can be made at a system level to help more patients achieve home death.


Funding: None.


Provenance and Peer Review: This article was commissioned by the editorial office, Annals of Palliative Medicine. The article did not undergo external peer review.

Conflicts of Interest: Both authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at https://apm.amegroups.com/article/view/10.21037/apm-23-339/coif). The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.

Ethical Statement: The authors are accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Open Access Statement: This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which permits the non-commercial replication and distribution of the article with the strict proviso that no changes or edits are made and the original work is properly cited (including links to both the formal publication through the relevant DOI and the license). See: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/.


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Cite this article as: Seah DSE, Meyers G. Who will make it home to die—an editorial on a new validated tool. Ann Palliat Med 2023;12(5):875-880. doi: 10.21037/apm-23-339

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