Radiofrequency ablation for shoulder pain: an updated systematic review
Review Article | Symptom Management in Palliative Medicine and Palliative Care

Radiofrequency ablation for shoulder pain: an updated systematic review

Esha Jain1 ORCID logo, Ian T. O’Connor1, Justin K. Tram2, Caroline A. Varlotta1, Kenneth J. Fiala3, Farrah S. Asaad1, Ahish Chitneni4, Alaa Abd-Elsayed5

1Department of Rehabilitation and Human Performance, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA; 2Albany Medical College, Albany, NY, USA; 3University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI, USA; 4Department of Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, Columbia and Cornell, New York, NY, USA; 5Department of Anesthesiology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI, USA

Contributions: (I) Conception and design: E Jain, A Abd-Elsayed; (II) Administrative support: E Jain, IT O’Connor, KJ Fiala; (III) Provision of study materials or patients: E Jain, JK Tram; (IV) Collection and assembly of data: E Jain, IT O’Connor, JK Tram, CA Varlotta, FS Asaad; (V) Data analysis and interpretation: E Jain, IT O’Connor, CA Varlotta; (VI) Manuscript writing: All authors; (VII) Final approval of manuscript: All authors.

Correspondence to: Esha Jain, MD. Department of Rehabilitation and Human Performance, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, 1468 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10029, USA. Email:

Background: Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a treatment modality that has been increasingly used for the management of chronic shoulder pain. Serious conditions that can identified as the cause of chronic shoulder pain include rotator cuff disorders, adhesive capsulitis, osteoarthritis, glenohumeral instability, and acromioclavicular joint disorders. Treatment of chronic shoulder pain typically consists of physical therapy, oral and topical medications, intra-articular corticosteroid injections, and even surgery. The aim of this study was to examine the most recent primary and secondary outcomes of RFA for chronic shoulder pain.

Methods: A systematic review was conducted using three different databases including PubMed, MEDLINE, and the Cochrane Database. The key concepts of “radiofrequency ablation” and “shoulder pain” were used. The search took place in June 2023, and it included articles from the past 20 years.

Results: Of the 396 articles found, 29 were included in the review. Most studies focused on reduction in pain scores, duration of relief, function, and patient satisfaction. In several studies, RFA was compared to conservative options such as physical therapy or corticosteroid injections.

Conclusions: Overall, RFA shows positive outcomes in terms of the management of chronic shoulder pain. Therefore, RFA can serve as another treatment option for patients who fail conservative management or are not strong surgical candidates. Understanding the outcomes of RFA for chronic shoulder pain can provide patients and clinicians with evidence for the most appropriate treatment.

Keywords: Radiofrequency ablation (RFA); shoulder pain; chronic pain

Submitted Sep 06, 2023. Accepted for publication Mar 26, 2024. Published online Jul 02, 2024.

doi: 10.21037/apm-23-529

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Key findings

• This study reviews the most current evidence associated with radiofrequency ablation for treatment of chronic shoulder pain.

What is known and what is new?

• It is known that radiofrequency ablation can serve as an effective treatment for chronic shoulder pain.

• This manuscript demonstrates favorable outcomes in terms of pain scores, duration of pain relief, functional outcomes, and patient satisfaction levels.

What is the implication, and what should change now?

• Radiofrequency ablation can serve to reduce pain scores, provide lasting pain relief, increase function, and increase patient satisfaction. Clinicians and patients should consider this treatment as a strategy in refractory, chronic shoulder pain.



Shoulder pain is reported as the second most common musculoskeletal disorder in adults, affecting 15–30% of the adult population over their lifetime (1,2). Its onset is either acute, sub-acute, or chronic and may have an associated decrease in range of motion. In those affected, shoulder pain can significantly decrease quality of life and function (1,3). Etiology of shoulder pain can result from various conditions including rotator cuff disorders, adhesive capsulitis, osteoarthritis, glenohumeral instability, and acromioclavicular joint pathology. These conditions can lead to pain with activity, motion, and difficulty with activities of daily living. If left unmanaged, these conditions can become quite severe and ultimately leading to critical impairment of the patient (4). Management of shoulder pain is often a multidisciplinary approach involving physical therapy, pharmacotherapy, and if necessary, more invasive procedures such as intra-articular steroid injection, regional anesthesia, surgery, or neurolysis (5-12).

Rationale and knowledge gap

Suprascapular nerve (SSN) block has become an increasingly common technique to treat shoulder pain given that the SSN supplies 70% of the shoulder’s sensory innervation (13,14). The SSN arises from the upper trunk of the brachial plexus (C5–C6) and supplies sensation to the acromioclavicular region, joint capsule, and superior and posterior shoulder regions (15). It also supplies motor function to the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles. The SSN can be targeted for blockade in a variety of ways, typically by pulsed radiofrequency (PRF) neuromodulation or radiofrequency ablation (RFA) (6,16). The advantages of PRF include longer-lasting duration of action and decreased destruction to tissues. It therefore has the benefit of long-lasting pain relief, increased patient satisfaction, reduced painful protective muscle spasms, and decreased analgesic use (11,17,18).


Several case reports, case series, prospective studies, and retrospective studies have addressed the use of PRF for chronic shoulder pain refractory to conventional treatment modalities. The aim of this systematic review is to provide a summary of the current literature on PRF and its efficacy in the management of shoulder pain. We present this article in accordance with the PRISMA reporting checklist (available at


Search strategy

The authors conducted a literature search through PubMed, MEDLINE, and Cochrane databases identifying all potentially relevant published articles until the date June 15th, 2023. The following MeSH terms were searched: “radiofrequency ablation”, “radiofrequency”, “RF”, “ablation”, “neurolysis”, “pulsed radiofrequency”, “radiofrequency therapy”, and “shoulder pain”, “shoulder osteoarthritis”.

Inclusion criteria

The inclusion criteria included adults with chronic shoulder pain, RFA-related technology (continuous or pulsed), and original studies. Review articles that were identified were reviewed for additional sources. Studies utilizing the visual analog scale (VAS) and numeric rating scale (NRS) pain scores were included in the analysis. If papers did not assess the pain scores, then the paper was analyzed further in the discussion. Functional, physical disability, and patient satisfaction scores were analyzed if present. If use of medical analgesic therapy was assessed in an article, it was also added to the results of this review.

Exclusion criteria

Papers were excluded if they were animal studies, non-English, non-RFA technologies, non-shoulder pain related, if the targeted nerve was not relevant to treat shoulder pain, and if the research was only available in poster or abstract form.

Quality of assessment of studies

Study quality and eligibility was determined by two researchers. In the case of different opinions regarding article relevance, all authors reviewed and reached a consensus. The information extracted includes the following: publication year, author’s last name, clinical diagnosis, study design, sample size, ablation technique used, RFA settings utilized (temperature and duration) if available, mean pain improvement, mean duration of improvement, side effects, secondary outcome if analyzed, and significant conclusions. The articles were additionally assessed through quality through the risk of bias in non-randomized studies of interventions tool (ROBINS) (Figure 1) and risk of bias visualization tool (ROBVIS) (Figure 2) (19).

Figure 1 Traffic plot detailing risk of bias in non-randomized studies (ROBINS-I).
Figure 2 Traffic light plots of the risk of bias assessment of the RCT studies (ROBVIS). RCT, randomized control trial.


Through the search strategy, 386 studies were initially identified: 247 in PubMed, 77 in MEDLINE, and 62 in the Cochrane Database. Ten studies were found in the references of relevant articles found through the search.

The PRISMA flow diagram is shown in Figure 3. Non-English articles with animal studies were excluded. Based on initial screening through title and abstract, 117 articles were excluded. A total of 29 full-text articles were included (Table 1).

Figure 3 PRISMA flow diagram showing literature search.

Table 1

Study characteristics of articles included in present systematic review

Author et al. (year) Study design Diagnosis Sample size (n) Age, years (mean) Female (%) Ablation technique Ablated nerve Duration of pain Duration of pain relief Secondary outcomes (pain, functional, and satisfaction scores) Side effects Conclusion
Sir E and Eksert S (2019) Retrospective study Partial rotator cuff tears 31 66.8 77.42% PRF: 42 ℃ for 360 s SSN >3 months 6 months Significant improvement in NRS, SPADI, and Likert at 3 weeks and 6 months post-procedure None Ultrasound-guided SSN PRF achieves pain relief and functional improvement in pts with partial rotator cuff tears for at least 6 months
Tran A et al. (2022) Prospective study Moderate to severe GH OA 12 62.3 25% RFA of three nerves for 150 s AN, lateral pectoral n, SSN N/A 6 months VAS improved at 6 months. American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeon score improved None Image-guided axillary, lateral pectoral, and SSN C-RFA is a promising alternative treatment for chronic shoulder pain and stiffness due to GH arthritis
Sinha P et al. (2020) Prospective cohort study Shoulder pain 27 N/A N/A Three cycles of PRF 42 ℃, 120 s with dexamethasone 4 mg SSN >3 months >24 weeks Significantly decreased immediately post-procedure and sustained for 24 weeks. Increased AROM in all directions post-procedure None PRF of SSN with steroid under US guidance is safe, effective and allows for increased potential from physical therapy for pts suffering from chronic shoulder pain
Yang C et al. (2020) Randomized pilot study Hemiplegic shoulder pain RFA: 12; nerve block: 8 Range 18 to 80 RFA: 41.67%; nerve block: 62.5% RFA: 42 ℃, for 600 s, 100 V, 10 ms, and 1 Hz SSN and AN N/A 16 weeks Significant improvements in the VAS score in both groups None PRF of SSN and AN provides larger improvement pf PROM in ShAb and ER compared to nerve block
Improved MAS and PROM of ShAb and ER in RFA group
No difference in the DAS scores or in EQ-5D
Chang KV et al. (2015) Case series Malignancy associated shoulder pain 6 N/A 66.67% RFA: 80 ℃, 75 s SSN N/A Until death or last follow up at 121 days Mean VAS for shoulder pain decreased from 7.3 to 2.0. Two pts reported >30% improvement. In their active shoulder range of motion None RFA of SSN is effective in relieving shoulder pain. Associated with end-stage malignancy
Eyigor C et al. (2010) Randomized control trial Rotator cuff lesion pathology detected by shoulder US PRF: 25; steroid: 25 PRF: 61.2; steroid: 54.8 72% PRF at 45 V, 200 ms, 42 ℃ for 4 min SSN >3 months >12 months Statistically significant improvements were found in VAS, PROM, AROM, SPADI, and SF-36 scores, though steroid injection was more effective. Paracetamol consumption decreased significantly None Intra-articular steroid injection was more effective. Compared to PRF in terms of improving VAS scores, function, and patient satisfaction
Gabrhelik T et al. (2010) Case series Chronic shoulder pain 28 (14 PRF vs. 14 PRF with steroid) 55 60.71% Two cycles of PRF for 120 s at 40 V at 42 ℃ SSN >1 month >50% of pts in both groups had pain relief >3 months VAS 0–2 post-procedure in the majority of patients in both groups 1 pt with hypotensive episode and hematoma PRF provided relief for more than 3 months without benefit from addition of steroid
Gofeld M et al. (2013) Randomized control trial Chronic shoulder pain Lido: 10; RFA: 12 Lido: 70.4; RFA: 68.1 Lido: 90%; RFA: 67% PRF: 120 s, 42 ℃ SSN >3 months >6 months NRS, SPADI, Constant-Murly Scores improved in PRF group, but not in the lidocaine group. Patients in the PRF group were on average more satisfied than the lidocaine group at 1- and 3-months post-procedure None There may be additional therapeutic benefits obtained when PRF was performed in addition to lidocaine injection
Kane TP et al. (2008) Prospective observational Rotator cuff tear arthropathy 12 68 75% PRF: 120 s, 2 or 3 cycles for 6–8 min SSN N/A 3–6 months 10 pts had improvement in the VAS and Constant scores, 11 pts had improvements in the Oxford score. However, VAS scores decreased, 4 pts had a decrease in Constant score, and 2 patients had a decrease in Oxford score between 3 and 6 months. Patient satisfaction increased throughout the study None PRF may be a useful therapeutic adjunct in patients with painful, end-stage rotator cuff tear arthropathy who are not candidates for surgery
Kim TH and Chang MC (2021) Randomized control trial Hemiplegic shoulder pain 20 (10 RFA vs. 10 steroid) 58.0 35% Pulsed at <42 ℃, 2 Hz, 30 ms pulse width for 360 s at 45 V SSN >3 months >2 months Post-treatment NRS scores decreased significantly in both steroid and PRF groups. NRS reduction and ROM was significantly greater the steroid group than PRF group None Intra-articular corticosteroid injection may be more effective than PRF for control of hemiplegic shoulder pain
Korkmaz OK et al. (2010) Randomized control trial Shoulder pain PRF: 20, TENS: 20 Range 18 to 80 70% 45 V, 200 ms, 42 ℃ for 4 min SSN >3 months >12 weeks No statistically significant difference was between two groups in terms of VAS, ROM, SPADI, paracetamol consumption, patient satisfaction, and SF-36, except PRF had larger improvement at 1 week on SPADI None There was no difference in effect between TENS and PRF treatment for shoulder pain
Lipov EG et al. (2023) Case series Arthrogenic shoulder pain 3 Ages 36, 55, 54 66.67% 42 ℃, 500 KHz, 2 bursts/s, with bursts lasting 20 ms for total of 360 s Intrabursal >6 months in 2 pts, and >2 years in 1 pt 2 pts had 6 months of relief, and 1 pt had 2 years of relief Pt 1: VAS score decreased to 3/10 and full ROM at 6 months None Intrabursal PRF treatment may improve pain and ROM
Pt 2: pain returned at 6 months, AROM improved
Pt 3: VAS score of 1/10, full AROM at 2 years
Luleci N et al. (2011) Prospective observational Chronic shoulder pain 57 57 61.40% 42 ℃, 2 Hz at 40 V with 20 ms active and 480 ms silent periods, for 8 min SSN 6 months 6 months PRF treatment relieved the pain in 73.7%. Ten pts showed partial improvement in pain scores, 5 pts showed no change in pain scores; 78.9% showed improvement in VNRS scores and Modified MacNab scores at 6 months None PRF to SSN for 480 s. Demonstrated remarkable improvement at patients’ chronic shoulder pain.
Ökmen BM and Ökmen K (2017) Randomized control trial Shoulder impingement PBMT: 29, SSN PRF: 30 55 (range, 37–67) 58.62% vs. 56.67% PRF: 42 ℃ with 45 V, 200 ms, for 240 s SSN >3 months 1, 3, 6 months At months 1, 3, and 6, VAS, SPADI, and NHP values were statistically significantly lower in both groups None PBMT and SSN PRF are effective in treatment of shoulder impingement, though PBMT may be a better option as it is a noninvasive treatment option
Shah RV and Racz GB (2003) Case report Glenohumeral OA 1 49 0% 42 ℃, 2 Hz, 3 cycles of 120 s each. 4 PRF lesions over 16 months SSN 2 years >12 weeks NRS improved from 7–8 to 2–3 None SSN PRF may improve pain and function in patients suffering from intractable shoulder pain due to OA
Active shoulder abduction improved to 110 degrees. Active shoulder flexion improved to 130 degrees
For IR, pts thumb improved to the 1st lumbar level
Sluijter ME et al. (2008) Case report Arthrogenic shoulder pain 1 71 0% PRF 14 min at 2 Hz, pulse width of 10 ms, 55 V Subacromial space 6 months >5 months NRS score decreased to 4 at 1 week and pt was able to stop oral pain medication. Global perceived effect was +2 on a 7-point Likert scale. Improvement to full AROM None Intra-articular PRF may have a dual effect, which includes an immediate effect on the nervous system, and an effect of more insidious onset that is not strictly bound to the strength of the electric field at larger distance from the electrode
Taverner M and Loughnan T (2014) Randomized control trial Chronic shoulder pain Sham: 26, t-PRF: 25 Sham: 61, t-PRF: 65 46.15% vs. 60% 80 V, 15 min and then second 2-min, 10 ms, 5 pulses per s “study bipolar treatments” SSN N/A 3 months 25 pts who received t-PRF reductions of 24/100 in pain at night and 20/100 of pain with activity at 4 weeks and 18/100 and 19/100 at 12 weeks None Transcutaneous PRF treatment may help some people with painful shoulders
t-PRF group had lower Brief Pain Inventory pain and function scores, improved pain self-efficacy, Oxford Shoulder scores, and internal rotation
Wu YT et al. (2014) Randomized control trial Adhesive capsulitis PT with RFA: 30, PT: 30 RFA: 55, PT: 57.1 RFA: 76.19%, PT: 80.95% 42 ℃, 180 s 2 Hz, 30 ms pulse width SSN N/A >12 weeks VAS decreased at week 1 was 40% in PT with RFA vs. 4.7% with PT None SSN PRF using a UG technique combined with physical therapy provided more and faster relief from pain, reduced disability, and improved PROM when compared with PT alone
Greater improvement in the intervention group at all times in SPADI scores and PROM
Liliang PC et al. (2009) Case series Chronic shoulder pain 11 Range 24 to 67 63.64% Two PRF cycles of 180 s, 45 V. The initial tip was 38 ℃, then increased slowly to 42 ℃ within 30 s SSN 3 months At 6-month follow-up 9 pts (69.2%) had significant pain relief Baseline mean VAS was 7.5, 1-month was 2.8, and 6-month follow-up was 2.5 None SSN PRF provides long-lasting pain relief and decreases pain medication requirements
SPADI improved at 6-months
81.8% of patients had their medication requirement decreased at 6-months
Dey S (2021) Case series Chronic shoulder pain PNS: 2, RFA: 2 40 to 65 100% PRF: 42 ℃, two cycles, 120 s, 2 Hz and a pulse width 20 ms SSN >6 months Prf had relief for 1–3 months PNS: NRS in both patients improved (pt 1: 7 to 0, pt 2: 10 to 0–1) and sustained for 6 months. Both pts reported >60% functional improvements at 6 months None Neuromodulation of the SSN can be effective for chronic refractory shoulder pain patients
PRF: NRS improved in pt 1 from 9 to 1 for 3 months, then returned to baseline. Pt 2 NRS improved from 6 to 4 at 1 month, then returned to baseline. Pt 1 reported 60% improvement at 1 month, 25% and 3 months, and 0% at 6 months. Pt 2 with 20% functional improvement at 1 month
Jin H et al. (2021) Case series Supraspinatus injury by MRI without complete rupture 4 52.3 50% 42 ℃, 120 s SSN >3 months >6 months VAS decreased 1 month and sustained at 3- and 6-months follow-up None PRF with PRP can maximize the advantages of both treatment methods in the treatment of supraspinatus injury without complete rupture
The Constant-Murley shoulder score increased at 1 month and sustained at 3 and 6 months
Ergonenc T and Beyaz SG (2018) Cross-sectional observational study Chronic shoulder pain 70 50.97±10.57 54.29% PRF for 3 cycles at 42 ℃, 45 V, 2 Hz, and 20 ms, with a wide wave for 120 s SSN >3 months 6 months Mean VAS, SPADI, and ROM are lower at all time points up to 6 months None PRF of SSN may be an effective, quick, long-lasting method of pain control in pts with chronic shoulder pain
Alanbay E et al. (2020) Randomized control trial Hemiplegic shoulder pain 30 64.6 40% Pulsed at 42 ℃, 120 s, 2 Hz, 20 ms, 45 V SSN 3 months 3 months Decrease in average VAS scores was higher in PRF group than nerve block group. None The combination of SSN PRF with physical therapy was superior to the combination of SSN block with physical therapy in this study
PRF group had greater gains in shoulder ROM and goal Attainment Score
Positive changes in GAS score at month 3 in the PRF group are significantly higher as well
Eckmann MS et al. (2020) Retrospective study Chronic shoulder pain TRFA: 11, with CRFA: 16 65.4 57.89% Traditional monopolar RFA: 80 ℃ for 90 s; cooled monopolar RFA: 60 ℃ for 150 s SSN >6 months >5 months CRFA group had a decrease in mean NRS pain score at first follow-up Pain immediately post-procedure in one pt and brief, self-limited arrhythmia in one pt Responders averaged over five months of pain relief at the time of query, with some patients reporting nearly one year of benefit
TRFA: mean duration of >50% pain relief for 5.3 months
Yan J and Zhang XM (2018) Randomized control trial Frozen shoulder RFA: 68, Sham: 68 RFA: 51.4, Sham: 53 RFA: 45.59%, Sham: 38.24% PRF 42 ℃, 2 Hz, 40 V, 20 ms active and 480 ms silent periods Did not specify 12 months >12 weeks VAS, SPADI, SF-36 had larger significant improvements compared with compared to sham group at 6 and 12 weeks None Ultrasound-guided PRF may benefit pts with frozen shoulder after 12 weeks
Mermekli A et al. (2022) Retrospective cohort Chronic shoulder pain due to OA 101 77 80.20% CRF up to 3 times, at 3 different points, 80 ℃ for 1 min SSN N/A >2 weeks VAS decreased from 7.7 to 4.4 at 24 h and 4.5 at 2 weeks None Ultrasound-guided SSN CRF is a safe and effective treatment of chronic shoulder pain due to OA
Lin ML et al. (2019) Randomized control trial Shoulder tendonitis 50 (TPRF: n=25, TENS: n=25) TPRF: 65.52, TENS: 64.32 TPRF: 75%; TENS: 60% 100 volts, 2 Hz repetition rate (2 pulses per s), 500 kHz pulse frequency, and 50 ms pulse duration Maximally tender area of shoulder >3 months N/a PEG scores significantly decrease in TPRF group post-tx None Both TPRF and TENS are safe and effective for treatment of shoulder tendonitis, though TPRF is superior to TENS
CMS scores were significantly higher in the TPRF group immediately after treatment, but did not sustain
Avendaño-Coy J et al. (2022) Randomized control trial Subacromial pain 81 (TCRF: 27, SCRF: 27, Sham: 27) TCRF: 55.3, SCRF: 51.3, Sham: 57.3 TCRF: 62.96%, SCRF: 62.96%, Sham: 66.67% Thermal capacitive-resistive RF group, sub-thermal capacitive-resistive RF group, sham group received the same intervention protocol, but the device was doing not emit currents GH and AC joints N/A 3 months VAS, SPADI, EQ-L5 did not demonstrate significant differences between groups. None Adding thermal radiofrequency to exercising can further improve functionality and mobility in people with subacromial pain in the short term, but not pain perception
Quick-Disabilities of Arm, Shoulder, and Hand were improved in the thermal group compared to sham at 1-month follow-up
The mobility portion of EQ-L5 improved in a greater proportion of participants in the thermal group than sham
Çetingök H and Serçe GI (2022) Retrospective study Chronic shoulder pain 160 (group 1 control: 114, group 2 RFA: 46) Group 1: 57.1, group 2: 58.7 Group 1: 68.42, group 2: 71.72% Motor sim: 2 Hz at 1 V, sensory stim: 50 Hz at 0.5 V, 240 s SSN >3 months Group 1: 4.0 months, group 2: 6.0 months Group 1 NRS post-procedure was 3.0 and Group 2 1.0 NRS scores of Groups 2 were significantly lower than Group 1 None SSN PRF provides additional benefits in terms of NRS scores, duration of pain relief, and patient satisfaction
The satisfaction percentages of patients for Group 2 were higher than Group 1

PRF, pulsed radiofrequency; SSN, suprascapular nerve; NRS, numeric rating scale; SPADI, Shoulder Pain and Disability Index; GH, glenohumeral; OA, osteoarthritis; RFA, radiofrequency ablation; AN, axillary nerve; VAS, visual analog scale; AROM, active range of motion; US, ultrasound; PROM, passive range of motion; ShAb, shoulder abduction; ER, external rotation; MAS, Modified Ashworth Scale; DAS, Disease Activity Score; EQ-5D, European Quality of Life Five Dimension; SF-36, 36-Item Short Form Survey; ROM, range of motion; TENS, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation; VNRS, Verbal Numerical Rating Scale; PBMT, photobiomodulation therapy; NHP, Nottingham Health Profile; t-PRF, transcutanous-PRF; IR, internal rotation; PT, physical therapy; UG, ultrasound-guided; PNS, peripheral nerve stimulation; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; PRP, platelet-rich plasma; GAS, Goal Attainment Scale; TRFA, traditional radiofrequency ablation; CRFA, cooled radiofrequency ablation; CRF, continuous radiofrequency; TPRF, transcutaneous pulsed radiofrequency; PEG, Pain, Enjoyment of life, and General activity; CMS, Constant-Murley Shoulder; TCRF, thermal capacitive-resistive radiofrequency; SCRF, subthermal capacitive-resistive radiofrequency; RF, radiofrequency; AC, acromioclavicular.

Characteristics of the studies and quality assessment

The studies included with their characteristics are shown in Table 1. The studies compared included 4 retrospective studies, 4 prospective studies, 1 cross-sectional observation study, 6 case series, 2 case reports, and 12 randomized control trials (RCTs). The sample sizes for quantitative studies ranged from 1 to 160 (20-22). Study quality ranged from low risk of bias to serious risk of bias. Most studies focused on chronic shoulder pain for at least three months (6,10,16,17,20,23-28). There were 6 studies from the United States (21,29-33) and 23 from other countries [8 from Turkey, 7 from China (3 from Taiwan), 2 from United Kingdom, 1 from Ireland, 1 from India, 1 from Korea, 1 from Switzerland, 1 from Spain, 1 from Australia] (6,10,14,16,17,20,22-28,34-43).

Evidence associated with the use of RFA in treatment of chronic shoulder pain

Targeted nerves

Twenty-two of the 29 studies solely targeted the SSN. Two studies additionally targeted the axillary nerves (33,43). Four of the studies targeted the intrabursal area (32), subacromial space (22,34), and the maximally tender area of the shoulder (25). The remaining study did not specify (42).

Pain scores

All included studies collected pain scores of the patients at various time points to assess RFA or PRF treatment outcomes. Seven of the 29 studies sought to investigate the efficacy of RFA or PRF alone (10,21,22,28,38,39,41). Five studies performed diagnostic nerve blocks to assess if patients would be candidates for RFA or PRF (24,27,33,35,40). Five of the 29 studies performed RFA through slightly altered approaches (25,30,34,37,42). The remaining 11 studies were compared to alternative treatments of chronic shoulder pain (6,14,16,17,20,23,26,29,31,36,43).

Duration of analgesia

Short-term and long-term relief was documented in all 29 studies. Three of the 29 studies found RFA provided more short-term pain relief (17,40,42). Most studies followed patients up to three months (6,14,16,23,25,29,30,34,36,41), four to five months (21,22,35,43) or six months (10,20,24,26-28,31-33,37-39).

Functional outcomes

Three studies examined passive shoulder range of motion (14,17,32,43). Active range was measured in four studies after PRF (21,27,32,35). Eight of the 29 studies examined functional outcomes of RFA or PRF through Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI) scores (6,16,24,26,28,31,34,42). Constant-Murley Shoulder (CMS) scores were assessed in four studies (25,31,37,38). The remaining studies used functional measurements including the Oxford shoulder scores (38,41), Modified MacNab scores (39), Goal Attainment scale (23), and American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons score (33).

Patient satisfaction levels

Patient satisfaction was observed in 10 studies and reported through various scales including the Likert scale, general patient satisfaction, quality of life, Pain, Enjoyment of life, and General activity (PEG) scores, European Quality of Life Five Dimension (EQ-5D) and the beck depression inventory (BDI) scores (6,20,23,25,28,31,34,38,42,43).


This review sought to investigate and characterize the outcomes of RFA on patients with chronic shoulder pain. We found 29 studies that suggest that RFA can reduce pain scores, provide lasting pain relief, increase function, and increase patient satisfaction. Nearly all studies had a reduction in VAS or NRS scores at all time points reflecting short-term and long-term improvement of pain relief. Similarly, most studies showed improvement of disability scores or functional scores of patients after RFA. Lastly, several of these studies examined patient satisfaction of RFA treatment suggesting that RFA was associated with high levels of satisfaction.

Targeted nerves

The majority (22) of the 29 studies solely targeted the SSN suggesting that this nerve can be targeted for chronic shoulder pain. The studies additionally targeted the axillary nerves and found improvement in shoulder pain (33,43). Of the studies targeting shoulder areas including the intrabursal area (32), subacromial space (22,34), and the maximally tender area of the shoulder (25), the intrabursal area (32) and the maximally tender area of the shoulder (25) were successfully targeted for shoulder pain. Although Sluijter et al. (22) showed the subacromial space can serve as a target for ablation, Avendano et al. found there were no significant differences found between groups (P=0.37) suggesting that RFA targeting the subacromial area may not be effective in shoulder pain (34). The remaining study did not specify (42) but found that ultrasound-guided PRF did benefit patients with pain from frozen shoulder.

Pain relief scores

Regarding pain relief, all included studies collected pain scores of the patients at various time points to assess RFA or PRF treatment outcomes. Pain scores were measured through the VAS and NRS.

When only RFA or PRF was performed, pain scores before and after treatment were significantly reduced. Luleci et al. found PRF treatment decreased Verbal Numerical Rating Scale (VNRS) scores by >50% in 42 out of 57 (73.7%) patients (39). Taverner et al. found 25 patients who received transcutanous-PRF (t-PRF) had reductions of 24/100 in pain at night and 20/100 of pain with activity at 4 weeks, and 18/100 and 19/100 at 12 weeks (41). Liliang et al. found in 11 patients with chronic shoulder pain who received PRF, baseline mean VAS was 7.5, 1-month was 2.8, and 6-month follow-up was 2.5 (10). These results could suggest that in patients with chronic shoulder pain with contraindications or refractory pain to other interventions, RFA or PRF may be an efficacious treatment option (10,21,22,28,38,39,41).

Several studies performed diagnostic nerve blocks to assess if patients would be candidates for RFA or PRF. If patients had 50% or greater reduction in pain after their block, they were deemed candidates for RFA or PRF (24,27,33,35,40). For example, Chang et al. found RFA decreased mean VAS for shoulder pain from 7.3 to 2.0 in six patients with malignancy associated shoulder pain (35). In each study, after being characterized as candidates through diagnostic blocking, VAS scores were significantly reduced at all time points after RFA or PRF treatment. This suggests a predictive value in performing a diagnostic nerve block prior to ablation (24,27,33,35,40).

Altered approaches of RFA included combining RFA treatment with platelet-rich plasma (PRP), different RFA temperatures, transcutaneous RFA, ultrasound-guided RFA (UGRFA), and RFA of the subacromial area (25,30,34,37,42). When RFA is combined with PRP, VAS scores decreased significantly at 1 month with no significant increase in VAS scores after 3 and 6 months (37). Similarly, when cooled RFA is compared to traditional monopolar RFA, pain was significantly reduced in both groups, however, there was no significant difference among groups. This suggests that there is no difference between RFA types (30). When comparing transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) to transcutaneous RFA, there were significantly lower PEG scores in the RFA group thus demonstrating the utility of RFA (25). When UGRFA was compared to a sham group, UGRFA was superior in reducing VAS scores (42). In this study, UGRFA VAS scores decreased by 3.1 after 6 weeks and 4.6 after 12 weeks, compared to the sham group that found decreases of 1.3 and 1.7 over the same interval (P<0.01) (42). In contrast, when administering RFA treatment to the subacromial space, there was no significant difference in pain scores (34).

When RFA or PRF was compared to alternative interventional treatments, RFA or PRF had both superior and inferior outcomes (6,14,16,17,20,23,26,29,31,36,43). When PRF was compared to lidocaine nerve blocks, NRS scores were significantly reduced in PRF patients (20,23,31). Similarly, when RFA was compared to an intra-articular steroid and nerve block, RFA was superior in reduction of NRS scores. Cetingok et al. found that one month post-intervention, the RFA group exhibited a significantly lower median NRS score of 1.0 compared to the steroid and nerve block group that had a median NRS score of 3.0 (P<0.05) (20). When PRF with anesthetic was compared to PRF with steroid, Gabrhelik et al. found there was no significant reduction in pain scores suggesting PRF is sufficient. In the anesthetic alone group, 71% reported VAS 0–2 at rest and 64% during active shoulder movement, while in anesthetic and steroid group, 79% reported VAS 0–2 at rest and 64% during active shoulder movement (P=0.323 for rest and P=0.944 for active) (36). Likewise, when PRF was compared to physical therapy alone, PRF had a significant reduction in VAS scores. Wu et al. found in patients with adhesive capsulitis, VAS at week 1 decreased by 40% in physical therapy with RFA vs. 4.7% with physical therapy only (14). In contrast, when comparing intra-articular steroids to PRF, although both treatments significantly reduce pain, intra-articular steroids were significantly favorable in score reduction when compared to PRF (6,17). Eyigor et al.’s RCT of 50 patients determined mean VAS score of 1.2 at 12 weeks post-treatment for the steroid group and mean VAS score of 1.65 for the PRF group (P<0.01) (6). Kim et al.’s RCT found NRS scores in the PRF groups to be 5.9±0.8 at baseline, 5.0±2.2 at one month, and 5.2±2.0 at two months post-treatment compared to the intra-articular corticosteroid injection group of 6.2±1.1 at baseline to 2.8±0.9 at one month and 3.2±1.1 at two months post-treatment (P<0.001) (17).

Similarly, when PRF was compared to suprascapular or axillary nerve blocks (43), TENS (16), photobiomodulation with exercise (26), and peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) (29), there was no significant difference in VAS scores (16,26,29,43). These results suggest that alternative forms of intervention may be used for chronic shoulder pain.

Duration of analgesia

Short-term pain relief is defined as duration of three months whereas long-term relief is defined as beyond three months (44). Most studies documented duration of pain relief through pain scores obtained at follow-up. Several studies demonstrated RFA provided more short-term pain relief ranging from two weeks (40) to 1–2 months (17) to 3 months (42). These studies did not perform long-term follow-up in their patient cohorts thus limiting the measurement of maximum pain relief. Most studies followed patients up to three months (6,14,16,23,25,29,30,34,36,41), four to five months (21,22,35,43) or six months (10,20,24,26-28,31-33,37-39) and found RFA or PRF provided long term relief for chronic shoulder pain. This suggests that duration of pain relief for patients can be expected for at least 3–6 months.

Functional status

Functional status was assessed in most studies through a range of motion and shoulder function scores such as the SPADI and CMS. Four studies examined passive shoulder range of motion (14,17,32,43). Yang et al. found a significant difference in passive shoulder abduction and external rotation between SSN block and PRF-treated patients (43). Although Kim et al. found intra-articular steroid range of motion measurements were significantly higher than PRF, PRF patients had a significant increase in range of motion from baseline (17). Additionally, Wu et al. demonstrated an improvement in passive range of motion in PRF patients with physical therapy compared to physical therapy alone (14). Similarly, active range of motion significantly improved after PRF (21,27,32,35).

  • Functional outcomes of RFA or PRF were assessed through SPADI scores (16,24,26,28,31,34,42). There was no significant difference in SPADI scores when comparing thermal, sub-thermal, and sham groups for RFA (34) and photobiomodulation and RFA (26). Despite these studies, all others showed significant improvement in SPADI scores at time of follow-up (6,16,24,28,31,42).
  • Similarly, CMS scores were assessed in several studies (25,31,37,38). All studies showed a significant improvement in CMS scores secondary to RFA or PRF treatment suggesting that treatment does improve patient function.

The remaining studies showed significant improvement in functional measurements including the Oxford shoulder scores (38,41), Modified MacNab scores (39), Goal Attainment scale (23), and American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons score (33). Regardless of scale type, RFA or PRF treatments show observed improvement of function.

Patient satisfaction

Patient satisfaction was observed in several studies and was reported through various scales (6,20,23,25,28,31,34,38,42,43). Sir et al. observed significant improvement in Likert scores at 3 weeks and 6 months following PRF suggesting patients were significantly more satisfied with PRF (28). Similarly, patients reported significantly more satisfaction with PRF treatment when compared with lidocaine block (31). Additionally, Kane et al. and Çetingök et al. found patient satisfaction increased with PRF (20,38). Two studies reported that PRF and RFA resulted in significantly higher ratings of quality-of-life scores suggesting that treatment compared to sham will improve patient satisfaction (34,42). Lastly, Lin et al. measured PEG scores and found that PEG scores were significantly lower in the PRF group meaning better quality of life (25). In contrast, no significant difference was found in studies measuring EQ-5D and the BDI scores (6,43).

Strengths and limitations

This study serves as an update to the literature of the evidence associated with RFA for management of chronic shoulder pain. Previous systematic reviews have been performed on this particular topic (45); however, this study provides specific outcomes of ablation such as the targeted nerves, pain scores, pain relief duration, functional status, and patient satisfaction levels. Understanding these various outcomes is important in order to guide clinicians and patients to numerous treatment options. This review had several limitations including the lack of consistent approach to ablation, the retrospective nature of most studies, and difference in follow up duration. Further studies are needed to investigate functional status and patient satisfaction of ablation of shoulder pain.


This study reviewed the current published literature assessing RFA as a treatment of chronic shoulder pain. The consensus found was that RFA is a favorable treatment for shoulder pain, and it has shown benefit through pain scores, duration of pain relief, functional outcomes, and patient satisfaction levels. Many of the included studies show positive outcomes towards RFA for management of chronic shoulder pain. This study was limited by its retrospective nature as each study had varying methodologies. Additional large RCT trial studies are needed to better analyze the efficacy and safety of RFA in patients with chronic shoulder pain.


Funding: None.


Provenance and Peer Review: This article was commissioned by the editorial office, Annals of Palliative Medicine, for the series “Advances in Radiofrequency Ablation”. The article has undergone external peer review.

Reporting Checklist: The authors have completed the PRISMA reporting checklist. Available at

Peer Review File: Available at

Conflicts of Interest: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at The series “Advances in Radiofrequency Ablation” was commissioned by the editorial office without any funding or sponsorship. A.A.E. served as the unpaid Guest Editor of the series and serves as an unpaid editorial board member of Annals of Palliative Medicine from June 2022 to May 2024. A.A.E. received consulting fees from Avanos. The authors have no other conflicts of interest to declare.

Ethical Statement: The authors are accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

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Cite this article as: Jain E, O’Connor IT, Tram JK, Varlotta CA, Fiala KJ, Asaad FS, Chitneni A, Abd-Elsayed A. Radiofrequency ablation for shoulder pain: an updated systematic review. Ann Palliat Med 2024;13(4):963-975. doi: 10.21037/apm-23-529

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