Chronic breathlessness in fibrotic interstitial lung diseases—patient centered assessment and management in outpatient settings
Fibrotic interstitial lung diseases (F-ILDs) are a group of heterogenous pulmonary conditions characterized by inflammation and scarring (1). Chronic breathlessness (CB) or dyspnea, a cardinal symptom of F-ILD, is defined as dyspnea that persists despite optimal treatment of underlying conditions (2). The estimated prevalence of CB in F-ILD ranges from 58% to 98% (3). It is the presenting feature in 90% of these patients, often preceding diagnosis by 7 months to 4 years (3,4). In idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), a common idiopathic F-ILD, 1 in 10 patients experience severe CB of modified medical research council (mMRC) grade 4, and those with mMRC grade ≥3 have a median survival of 0.5 years (5,6). It is a potent driver of poor health-related quality of life (HRQOL), with increased morbidity and mortality, and escalating hospitalization rates with associated costs as the disease progresses. Over 70% of IPF patients were also noted to have demoralization syndrome in a recent study (defined as loss of meaning in life, hopelessness and helplessness and feelings of failure) (7). This likely stems from underlying fears, anxiety, depression, loss of function and independence from untreated CB (Figure 1). Thus, CB leads to serious health-related suffering and distressing end-of-life (EoL) experiences for these patients (8-12). Despite its high prevalence and severe consequences, targeted CB assessment and interventions are often not implemented (13). There are several evidence-based interventions for CB in various non-malignant diseases that improve patient outcomes but they are not routinely implemented in care (14,15). The under recognition and undertreatment of CB represent a lost opportunity to minimize morbidity, mortality, and most importantly, alleviate the suffering of patients and their families (16).
Recognizing the importance of breathlessness management, recent European and American guidelines recommend early integration of palliative care (PC) into usual care for all chronic respiratory diseases including F-ILD (17-19). Unfortunately, physicians often lack knowledge and dedicated training in symptom management, expressing difficulty in decision-making regarding appropriate timing for initiating conversations, treatments, and referrals to PC specialists (20,21). Thus, making the implementation of guidelines-based recommendations very challenging. A recent survey of pulmonologists identified barriers to successful management of CB in F-ILD and the need for improved dissemination of breathlessness management guidelines (22). While ILD specialists and teams are more aware of CB needs and willing to refer patients to PC specialist, integration of CB management in routine care is lacking even within ILD centers (20,23,24).
This narrative review aims to summarize the current literature on CB assessment and management in F-ILD. It highlights the necessity for a systematic, holistic approach to assessment and the sequential implementation of CB therapies for enhanced patient care. A patient centered stepwise CB management approach for F-ILD is proposed based on needs, gaps in care and available evidence.
CB assessment in F-ILD: role of dyspnea domains and the use of, validated measurement tools combined with a narrative approach
Breathlessness is a challenging symptom to assess likely due to multiple factors including complex neurophysiology that is influenced by patient’s psychological state, and other input from the corticolimbic systems. The CB perception itself is made worse by the patients’ reaction to CB. Therefore, CB as a symptom has a multidimensional construct of distinct domains: sensory-perceptual, affective, and impact or burden that capture the physical, emotional and psychological aspects of the patient experience. A subsequent study has identified control and context as additional domains of importance to patients (25) (Figure 2). A recent systematic review recommended the use of 4 validated multidimensional tools for CB assessment in F-ILD, Dypnsea-12, UCSD-shortness of breath questionnaire, EXAcerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Tool (EXACT)-Respiratory Symptoms Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Breathlessness subscale (ERS-IPF-B) and King’s Brief Interstitial Lung Disease Health Status Questionnaire breathlessness and activities subscale (KBILD-B) (26). These tools variably measure some but not all dimensions of this complex experience (Table 1). In real-world practice, it has not been feasible to use these tools in busy clinics due to the large numbers of questions and/or the complex response systems used in these tools. Therefore, unidimensional tools are more prevalent in clinical practice (27). The MRC or mMRC are the most frequently used tools that provide an estimate of breathlessness-induced limitation rather than its severity or the precise impact of breathlessness in daily life (22,27-29). These validated scales are brief and easy to use in clinical practice, but may not be sufficient for assessing and managing CB (28,30). Numeric rating scale (NRS) like the Edmonton symptom assessment scale, commonly used by palliative experts can assess dyspnea severity but not the other domains. Additionally, ILD patients most often experience exertional breathlessness and may look comfortable at rest, therefore a systematic enquiry about exertional dyspnea in the context of activities of daily living (ADL) is essential to identify needs and target interventions (31-33). MRC/mMRC or NRS do not provide such type of detailed dyspnea severity assessment with various daily activities or align with what patients want (Figure 3).
Table 1
Instrument | Domains measured | Validated in ILD | Comments |
Modified Borg dyspnea scale | Dyspnea severity (sensory) | No | 0–10 category ratio scale; 0 nothing at all; 10 maximal dyspnea; measures dyspnea “now” |
VAS | Dyspnea severity (sensory) | No | 0–10 scale with anchors 0 none to 10 severe dyspnea or 100 mm scale. Measures dyspnea “now”, can be used to assess average or worst ratings |
NRS | Dyspnea severity (sensory) | No | 0–10 scale with anchors 0 none to 10 severe dyspnea; can be used to assess breathlessness now, worst or average ratings in the time period of choice, e.g., Edmonton symptom assessment scale—dyspnea |
MRC and mMRC |
Function limitation (impact) | No | 5 grades |
4 grades | |||
No time period specified | |||
Functional impairment, magnitude of task & magnitude of effort | No | Rated in five grades from 0 (very severe) to 4 (no impairment) |
Rated by seven grades ranging from −3 (major deterioration) to +3 (major improvement) | |||
Time period unspecified | |||
MDP | Dyspnea severity (sensory) and affect | No | 0–10 scale with anchors 0 none and 10 most intense. Measures average breathlessness ratings now or specified time periods |
UCDQ | Impacts on speech and physical activity | No | UCDQ consists of three categories (sections) of 10 questions each: breathlessness during physical activity (section I), during speaking activities (section II) and when speaking during physical activity (section III—combined). Patients rated their feeling of breathlessness using a 0–5 Likert scale: 1—the activity did not cause any shortness of breath and 5—activities that always cause shortness of breath |
SOBDA questionnaire | Dyspnea severity (sensory) | No | 13-items each with 1–4 dyspnea severity grading scale; greater scores indicating more severe breathlessness with daily activities. Time period—1 week |
UCSD-SOB Q | Dyspnea severity (sensory) | Yes | 5-point Likert scale |
Measures average ratings over past week | |||
Does not assess control domain | |||
Dyspnea-12 | Dyspnea severity (sensory) and affect | Yes | 4-point Likert scale, anchors: “none [0]–severe [3]”; measures breathlessness now; average ratings. Time period “these days”. Does not assess daily activities in detail. Does not assess control or context |
EDI | Dyspnea severity (sensory); function (impact) | Ongoing | 0–10 scale; measures average breathlessness ratings over 2 weeks and crisis: worst ratings in the past 1 month |
FACIT-D | Dyspnea severity (sensory); limitations (impact) | No | 4-point Likert scale with 10 items. Measures average ratings over 7 days |
ERS-IPF-B | Dyspnea severity (sensory) | Yes | 5- and 6-point Likert scale with 14 items. Measures average breathlessness now/today ratings |
Does not assess daily activities in detail. Does not assess control or context | |||
DEG | Dyspnea severity (sensory); function | No | 3-item measure using 0–10 NRS anchors 0 no shortness of breath and 10 is very severe. Assesses average dyspnea intensity, interference with enjoyment of life, and dyspnea burden with general activity. Time period unspecified |
Quality of life instruments that measure some dyspnea domains in ILD | |||
KBILD-B | Function (impact), i.e., avoided activity, carrying groceries; sensory (quality); air hunger | Yes | 7-point Likert scale |
Measures frequency: anchors “all the time to none of the time” | |||
Time period 2 weeks | |||
Does not assess daily activities in detail. Does not assess control or context | |||
L-PF symptoms (dyspnea, cough & fatigue) | Dyspnea severity (sensory); function (impact) | Yes | Total 23 items of which 12 items measure dyspnea using 0–4 NRS with an anchor of 0 “not at all” to 4 “extremely”. Measures average breathlessness over 24 hours |
Does not assess control | |||
SGRQ-I | Function (impact) and affect (panic/fear) | Yes | 34 items; measures impact, activities and symptoms. Time period for most questions is 3 months and for breathlessness “these days” |
CRQ | Dyspnea severity (sensory); function (impact) and affect (fear) | No | 20 items, 5 of which measure dyspnea severity 1–7 (1—most severe and 7—not at all). Time period—last 2 weeks |
ILD, interstitial lung disease; VAS, visual analogue scale; NRS, numeric rating scale; MRC, Medical Research Council; mMRC, modified MRC; BDI, Baseline Dyspnoea Index; TDI, Transition Dyspnoea Index; MDP, multidimensional dyspnea profile; UCDQ, University of Cincinnati Dyspnea Questionnaire; SOBDA, Shortness of Breath with Daily Activities; UCSD-SOB Q, University of California San Diego Shortness of Breath Questionnaire; EDI, Edmonton Dyspnea Inventory; FACIT-D, Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Dyspnea; ERS-IPF-B, EXACT-Respiratory Symptoms Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Breathlessness subscale; EXACT, EXAcerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Tool; DEG, Dyspnea-Enjoyment of life-General activity; KBILD-B, King’s Brief Interstitial Lung Disease Health Status Questionnaire breathlessness and activities subscale; L-PF, living with pulmonary fibrosis; SGRQ-I, St George’s Respiratory Questionnaire IPF-specific; IPF, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; CRQ, Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire.
Therefore, a patient-centered assessment of CB in F-ILD must not only identify breathlessness, but also assess its varying severity with ADL, that is of practical concern to most ILD patients (34). It should also assess for CB associated crises arising from patient’s diminishing sense of control and increasing hopelessness as the disease progresses (35). Crisis breathlessness is a well-defined entity, described in many advanced diseases that leads to significant physical and psychosocial distress, acute care use and is therefore, important to identify during CB assessment (36). This has been reported by F-ILD patients (37). Assessment of coping and in particular maladaptive patterns, thoughts, beliefs must be identified and corrected as they can negate or subvert treatment benefits. Caregiver needs for education and support must also be identified during clinic assessment. It is unlikely for a single tool to assess all the above, therefore a narrative approach is also required (26). Thus a patient-centered CB assessment requires an engaged clinician who will “listen to” the patients, their families to meaningfully interpret the data provided by the instruments and go beyond the numbers to include the person reporting them (Figure 4) (32,38).
CB management in F-ILD: review of evidence-based interventions
There are many potential interventions for breathlessness in ILD (21). After optimization of the underlying disease therapy, a hierarchical or stepwise approach to CB management is suggested: (I) introduction of nonpharmacologic interventions (NPI) followed by, (II) oxygen and (III) introduction of pharmacological treatment (39). Optimizing underlying F-ILD management is beyond the scope of this review and will not be covered here. While recent advances in genetic and molecular research, and introduction of antifibrotics therapies that slow disease progression hold great potential to improve F-ILD care, none of these therapies adequately address patients’ symptoms or improve HRQOL (40). Therefore, targeted CB management is needed. Major CB therapies are summarized in Tables 2,3 and ILD relevant interventions are reviewed below.
Table 2
Intervention | Methodology | Evidence |
Pulmonary rehabilitation | Systematic review of 21 studies with 356 participants and 319 controls (41) | Moderate-certainty evidence suggests improvement in functional capacity and HRQOL post rehab, and low-certainty evidence suggests improvements in dyspnea in ILD and IPF with results lasting up to 6–12 months |
American Thoracic Society clinical practice guidelines on pulmonary rehabilitation (42) | Strong recommendation for ILD | |
Hand-held fan | Randomized, single-blind, controlled trial of Hand-held Fan for 2 weeks (43) | No significant differences in dyspnea—12 scores between groups, likely due to trial duration and small sample size |
Breathing techniques (PLB) | Randomized trial to assess impact of PLB on dyspnea and walking distance in ILD patients (44) | PLB worsened dyspnea ratings and walking distance; 83% described PLB as less comfortable than usual breathing |
Energy conservation strategies | Qualitative study of 21 IPF patients & caregivers (45) | Found several physical, cognitive, environmental and behavioral strategies effective |
BREEZE—IPF study | Feasibility study to inform design and conduct of a phase 3, RCT of a holistic complex breathlessness intervention in people with IPF (46) | IPF & non-IPF PF-ILD were randomized. Retention at 16 weeks was 34/47 (72%). Numerical improvements were seen across all proposed primary outcomes |
Education programs | Patient and partner empowerment | No improvement in health status, dyspnea or HRQOL at 3 weeks & 3 months |
Program: psychologist led weekly group therapy sessions over 3 weeks with a focus on coping with IPF (47) | ||
Action plans for dyspnea | A qualitative study: 13 patients and 8 caregiver participants were interviewed (45) | Symptom self-management & education was beneficial to IPF patients and caregiver participants |
Digital applications | ||
SELF-BREATHE is a complex, transdiagnostic, supportive, digital breathlessness intervention using nonpharmacological, self-management approaches co-developed with patients | A parallel, two-arm, single-blind, single center, randomized controlled mixed-methods feasibility trial with participants allocated to (I) intervention group (SELF-BREATHE) or (II) control group for 6 weeks. Explored feasibility and acceptability to patients (48) | SELF-BREATHE was feasible with 70% completing trial and users reported it to be acceptable. Post intervention qualitative interviews demonstrated that SELF-BREATHE was acceptable and valued, by users, improving breathlessness during daily life and at points of breathlessness crisis |
Dyspnea monitoring | Ongoing studies of remote monitoring of symptoms and signs using wearable technologies and PROM instruments | Not available yet |
Self-management | RCT of a digital self-management package for ILD patients (49) | Not available yet |
Yoga | Feasibility trial: 9 F-ILD patients randomized to yoga (twice per week, 12 weeks) and surveillance (n=7) (50) | Significant differences for K-BILD total and dyspnea score (P<0.05) favoring Yoga |
CWV, NMES, walking aids, acupressure, fan, music, psychotherapy, breathing training, counseling and support | Systematic review: 47 studies with 2,532 participants (advanced stages of cancer, COPD, ILD, CHF or MND) and interventions categorized as follows: single component interventions of walking aids (n=7), distractive auditory stimuli (music) (n=6), CWV (n=5), acupuncture/acupressure (n=5), relaxation (n=4), NMES (n=3) and fan (n=2) (14) | High strength of evidence that NMES and CWV could relieve breathlessness; moderate strength for the use of walking aids and breathing training. Low strength of evidence that acupressure is helpful and no evidence for the use of music. Not enough data to judge the evidence for relaxation, fan, counselling and support, counselling and support with breathing relaxation training, case management and psychotherapy |
Most patients had COPD | ||
NIV | ||
With exercise | Ten IPF patients performed cardiopulmonary exercise testing on a cycle ergometer with no support, continuous positive airway pressure and proportional assist ventilation (51) | Proportional assist ventilation can increase exercise tolerance and decrease dyspnoea and cardiac effort in IPF patients |
With acute respiratory failure | Systematic review: 10 studies, comparison of effectiveness of NIV, high flow nasal canula and conventional oxygen therapy for improving oxygenation and ventilation in ILD patients with acute respiratory failure (52) | NIV demonstrated a significant improvement in oxygenation without any mortality or intubation rate benefits and increased length of stay |
With chronic respiratory failure | Retrospective study of 10 stable ILD patients with hypercapnic respiratory failure using nocturnal ventilation (53) | NIV tolerated and can acutely improve blood gas levels |
End-of-life | Retrospective Finnish data base study of IPF decedents (12) | NIV used in 29% of the cases in the last week of life; no outcomes |
Oxygen | Open-label, mixed-method, crossover RCT of ambulatory oxygen in fibrotic ILD; 84 patients randomized (54) | Use of ambulatory oxygen was associated with significant improvements in total K-BILD, breathlessness and activity and chest symptoms subdomains |
Systematic review of oxygen in ILD: 8 studies assessed (55) | No effects of oxygen therapy on dyspnea during exercise in ILD, although exercise capacity was increased | |
America Thoracic Society clinical practice guidelines on home oxygen therapy (56) | Strong recommendations for use of oxygen for chronic resting hypoxemia and conditional recommendations for ambulatory oxygen use in ILD (low-quality evidence) with severe exertional hypoxemia on room air | |
HFNC is an oxygen delivery modality that has been used for non-malignant respiratory diseases, more expensive than regular supplemental oxygen | Crossover pilot study of ILD patients using HFNC at home for 6 weeks. 10 enrolled (57) | Improvement in m MRC and physical ability of ILD patients with HFNC use |
Unblinded, pilot study of severe ILD patients on room air, O2 (4L) vs. HFNC performing cycling tests. Twenty-five enrolled (58) | HFNC significantly improved endurance time, physiological parameters and Borg dyspnea score during exercise in severe ILD patients | |
Breathlessness support services | Single-blind randomized trial, breathlessness support services vs. usual care with outcomes measured at 6 weeks. The breathlessness support service was a short-term, single point of access service integrating palliative care, respiratory medicine, physiotherapy, and occupational therapy; 105 randomized patients; 18% had ILD (59) | Breathlessness support service improved breathlessness mastery. Findings provide robust evidence to support the early integration of palliative care for patients with non-malignant diseases and breathlessness |
Systematic review assessed 18 different services mostly enrolling thoracic cancer patients. Commonly used interventions included breathing techniques, psychological support and relaxation techniques (60) | Meta-analyses showed reductions in numeric rating scale distress due to breathlessness and depression scores favoring intervention. Statistically non-significant effects were observed for Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire mastery and anxiety scores |
ILD, interstitial lung disease; HRQOL, health-related quality of life; IPF, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; PLB, purse-lip breathing; RCT, randomized controlled trial; F-ILD, fibrotic interstitial lung disease; K-BILD, King’s Brief ILD quality of life questionnaire; CWV, chest wall vibration; NMES, neuromuscular electrical stimulation; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CHF, congestive heart failure; MND, motor neuron disease; NIV, non-invasive ventilation; HFNC, high flow nasal cannula; mMRC, modified medical research council.
Table 3
Intervention | Methodology | Evidence |
Opioids | Morphine for refractory dyspnea in ILD: a phase I study (JORTC-PAL 05) to investigate dose of a single subcutaneous morphine injection (1, 2 mg) to alleviate dyspnea. Six ILD inpatients with dyspnea at rest refractory to conventional dyspnea treatment enrolled (61) | 2 mg of morphine has a tolerable safety profile in ILD patients with dyspnea |
Cochrane systematic review 2002: morphine to improve dyspnea and exercise in end-stage ILD (62) | Low-dose nebulized morphine (2.5 and 5.0 mg) in six patients with ILD did not improve maximal exercise performance, and did not reduce dyspnoea during exercise | |
RCT of 5 mg morphine drops four times a day vs. placebo for 1 week. Dyspnea VAS at 1 week was the primary outcome. Thirty-six F-ILD patients randomized (63) | Dyspnea VAS was reduced in the morphine group compared to baseline (P<0.01). However, the difference between the two groups was not statistically significant (P=0.2) | |
Double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover RCT of 20 mg daily sustained release morphine vs. placebo for persisting breathlessness in ILD. Thirty-five ILD participants were randomized (64) | Small to moderate effect of morphine on breathlessness now VAS. Proportion of responders was higher with morphine. More participants were satisfied/very satisfied, reported good or very good sleep with morphine and harms were more frequent with morphine than placebo. There were no episodes of respiratory depression | |
Population-based longitudinal cohort study of fibrotic ILD patients starting long-term oxygen therapy in Sweden between October 2005 and December 2014. Effects of BDZs and opioids on rates of admission to hospital and mortality were analyzed. One thousand six hundred and three patients with 12% BDZs and 15% opioids use (65) | Opioids showed no association with increased admission. Neither low-dose opioids (≤30 mg/oral morphine equivalent) nor high-dose opioids showed association with increased mortality | |
BDZ | Cochrane systematic review: 7 studies identified with 200 analyzed participants with advanced cancer and COPD | BDZ may not be effective when used alone for dyspnea in general for patients with advanced illnesses. But may be helpful for patients with dyspnea when used concurrently with opioids, especially for those with terminal dyspnea in which dyspnea and anxiety frequently concur |
No ILD patients (66) | ||
Population-based longitudinal cohort study of fibrotic ILD patients starting long-term oxygen therapy in Sweden between October 2005 and December 2014. Effects of BDZs and opioids on rates of admission to hospital and mortality were analyzed. One thousand six hundred and three patients with 12% BDZs and 15% opioids use (65) | There was no association between BDZs and increased admission. Treatment with high- vs. low-dose BDZs was associated with increased mortality | |
Antidepressants | ||
Mirtazapine | RCT, mixed-methods, mirtazapine dose-escalation feasibility trial over 28 days (15 mg, 30 mg daily); 64 patients randomized and 30% had ILD (67) | No differences in tolerability or safety. Worst breathlessness NRS at day 28 higher in placebo than mirtazapine |
Sertraline | RCT, dose increment, parallel-arm, multisite, randomized, placebo-controlled, adaptive study of sertraline 25–100 mg (titrated upwards over 9 days) or placebo for 4 weeks; 223 patients randomized and 19% had restrictive lung disease (68) | The proportion of people responding to sertraline was similar to placebo for current breathlessness on days 26–28 and for other measures of breathlessness. HRQOL in the sertraline arm had a higher likelihood of improving than in the placebo arm over the 4 weeks |
L-menthol | Single-blinded, placebo-controlled, crossover RCT of L-menthol olfactory stimulation on breathing patterns, inspiratory neural drive, and the sensory and affective dimensions of dyspnea induced by inspiratory resistive loading in patients with ILD. Forty-three patients were randomized and received treatment (69) | Inhalation of menthol through a face mask significantly decreased breathing discomfort and air hunger during inspiratory resistive loaded breathing compared with sham and placebo. Significantly decreased mental and physical breathing effort compared with placebo |
ILD, interstitial lung disease; RCT, randomized controlled trial; F-ILD, fibrotic interstitial lung disease; VAS, visual analogue score; BDZ, benzodiazepine; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; NRS, numeric rating scale; HRQOL, health-related quality of life.
NPI are a diverse group of single or multicomponent interventions with several different mechanisms of action. NPI are considered the most effective interventions currently available to palliate CB in ambulatory patients with chronic respiratory disease and cancer (14,70-72). They are the first step in CB management, unfortunately, real-world practice patterns in F-ILD suggest they are rarely used or optimized in practice (Table 4) (39).
Table 4
Population | Site | Outcomes |
45 progressive idiopathic F-ILD decedents | Two large specialist ILD clinics in UK with >500 referrals/year; retrospective chart review (23) | Last year of life: 93% dyspnea; 0% fan 49% opioids; oxygen (not reported); 39% PC involvement; 18% EoL planning; 76% died in hospitals |
59 IPF decedents | Finnish clinics. Retrospective study of national prospective IPF cohort study (Finnish IPF) (12) | Last 6 months of life: 66% recorded dyspnea; 81% were on oxygen; 71% on opioids (last week only); 36% on non-invasive ventilation; 0% PC referrals; 57% EoL decisions in last 3 days; 80% died in hospitals |
285 oxygen-dependent ILD decedents | Nationwide registry-based cohort study of patients with oxygen-dependent ILD and lung cancer who died between 1 January 2011 and 14 October 2013. Swedish population (73) | Last week of life in ILD: 13% use of symptom scales; 75% had dyspnea; opioid use not reported; 6% PC referrals; 15% unexpected deaths; 17% EoL planning; 46% died in hospitals |
298 IPF (176 alive and 122 decedents) | Three specialist ILD clinics located in Canada and UK: 2 clinics used an early-integrated primary palliative approach delivered by ILD specialist and one clinic referred select patients to a PC specialist based on needs (74) | 97% dyspnea; 96% use of dyspnea scale |
PC referral: 0% nonpharmacologic; 19% oxygen; 15% opioids; 19% EoL planning; 4% PC referrals | ||
With integrated symptom approach: 92% nonpharmacologic; 79% oxygen; 71% opioids; 92% PC received; 68% EoL planning; 37% died in hospitals |
ILD, interstitial lung disease; F-ILD, fibrotic interstitial lung disease; PC, palliative care; EoL, end-of-life; IPF, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR), the most well studied multicomponent NPI in F-ILD, is a behavioral modification intervention consisting of supervised group exercises and education delivered by a multidisciplinary team over several weeks (42). Participation in pulmonary rehabilitation improved functional capacity, dyspnea and HRQOL with low to moderate certainty of evidence in F-ILD patients (41). Unfortunately, its uptake remains low even within ILD centers due to many factors such as increased symptom burden, frailty, dependence on high-flow oxygen that makes transportation challenging along with other access issues (75). Consequently, feasibility of a home-based PR interventions is being explored. A pilot study of 21 F-ILD patients showed some improvements in CB and HRQOL, but was underpowered for efficacy analysis. Many participants reported positive program impact on their ability to adapt and cope with their disease, an unmet CB need in F-ILD (76). Bassi et al. examined a multidisciplinary clinic-based model that focused on NPI measures for CB and used a PR-based approach in the clinic setting and demonstrated a positive impact on CB in F-ILD (77).
The use of hand-held fans (HHFs) reduces breathlessness intensity and improves physical activity in patients with many respiratory (78). Different airflow speeds from HHF have been found to modify breathlessness during exercise recovery, with higher airflow rates leading to faster recovery (79). In a recent feasibility trial, the use of HHF was acceptable to many F-ILD patients; a randomized controlled trial (RCT) is awaited (43). Self-management education and action plans improve outcomes in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and early data suggests benefit in F-ILD (45,80). Other studies are awaited (48,49) (Table 2). Symptom action plans include patient instructions on how to relax, change posture, use oxygen and as needed opioids for dyspnea crisis. Health coaching embedded with PR was also noted to be beneficial in a small pilot study (76). Other NPIs including breathing techniques have either not shown benefit in F-ILD or only suggest feasibility at this stage and are summarized in Table 2 (44,50). Many of these strategies were found to be effective in other respiratory conditions and are likely effective in ILD, for example, energy conservation strategies, ADL and respiratory retraining, relaxation etc. (46). In practice, most NPIs need to be personalized to an individual’s functional status, preference and motivation for learning a new skill or technique and their cognition. Some NPI may be more suitable at certain points of the disease trajectory. As the disease advances, many NPIs that require motivation and learning cannot be used as patients become physically or mentally fatigued suggesting that proper timing of therapies is important (71). Many other beneficial NPIs such as activity and behavior modifications, use of aids and devices, breathing techniques, postures, relaxation are in use in some ILD care models, breathlessness services and are reportedly also adopted by F-ILD patients as part of self-management education (45,71,74,81). Unfortunately, evidence of efficacy is limited as they are not well studied outside occupational and physiotherapy literature (14). In addition, there are several barriers to their implementation. NPI require trained and dedicated allied staff and/or clinicians’ support for early, appropriate prescriptions and ongoing monitoring. Clinicians often lack NPI knowledge and experience due to minimal symptom management curricula in training. Another challenge to their adoption is need for a health coaching approach for patient buy-in and adherence and the need for multidisciplinary support in outpatient settings. Clear guidance and training may help clinicians identify the right NPI, right patient, right time as well the right combination of strategies to use. Patient and clinician engagement is key to successful NPI use as demonstrated by practice audits of ILD clinics where symptoms prioritization by clinicians and their engagement in integrated symptom management resulted in NPI use in up to 98% IPF outpatients (activity or behavior modification i.e., pacing or energy conservation strategies) (74). Other strategies such as non-invasive ventilation use in exercise, with acute and chronic respiratory failure and EoL use appear to provide some benefit and are reviewed in Table 2 (51-53).
Exertional hypoxemia (EH), a hallmark of early ILD, frequently causes dyspnea, and activity intolerance (82). It is an important marker of disease progression and an independent predictor of mortality. Progressive F-ILD leads to worsening EH and finally resting hypoxemia (RH) (83,84). Oxygen therapy is frequently used to improve symptoms and HRQOL. The mechanisms by which supplemental oxygen improves dyspnea in hypoxemic patients are not well understood, but could include reduction in respiratory drive, changes in breathing pattern, and/or stimulation of upper airway receptors by gas flow as well as chemoreceptor activation and the resolution of hypoxemia that occurs in a dose responsive fashion (85,86). Ambulatory oxygen use has been shown to alleviate dyspnea, cough and impaired exercise performance in F-ILD in a short-term trial (54,87) and only exercise capacity in a different systematic review (55). A recent systematic review identified that oxygen helped patients increase activity, independence, confidence and sense of control but some had unmet expectations and identified it with deterioration (88). Outcomes on long-term oxygen therapy in ILD are awaited but improved survival in COPD have been extrapolated, leading to strong recommendations of using long-term oxygen therapy in ILD patients with RH and conditional recommendation in those with isolated severe EH (56,89).
Unfortunately, there is limited guidance on when to initiate oxygen for EH, how to prescribe (various flow rates for different activities), monitor and titrate oxygen, and provide education to patients and caregivers. Most ILD experts recommend oxygen for symptomatic patients when nadir exertional oxygen saturation <85–89% (90). Resting and exertional hypoxemia risk prediction tools are being developed and validated. They utilize easily available clinical data such as age, diagnosis, body mass index, lung function parameters for risk estimation (91,92). Their use may help identify patients at risk and lead to early oxygen start. Currently, EH is identified through a formal 6-minute walk test that is labor-intensive and not easily accessible in the community. In addition, clinicians must determine individual oxygen flow rates for rest, sleep and various activities as this can vary significantly in F-ILD. There are many different types of oxygen delivery systems and their adequacy to meet patient needs changes over time requiring close follow up. Patients also need advice on when to use pulse versus continuous flows. Many patients prefer to use portable concentrators that often cannot meet their oxygen needs. Many mistakenly use pulse and continuous flow interchangeably, not knowing that 6 pulse and 6 liters per minute (LPM) are not the same. The type of delivery system a patient receives will have a significant impact on activity, symptoms and therefore, HRQOL (93). Many physicians and respiratory therapists are not aware of these nuances and therefore may not be able to provide appropriate advice (94). Currently, decisions regarding delivery systems, monitoring frequency and titrations, are largely left to individual physicians and oxygen providers; and in the absence of guidance such practices are not standardized (95). Thus, proper oxygen prescription and monitoring requires clinicians to have basic knowledge of home and ambulatory oxygen delivery systems, in addition to, actively engaging with the patients and oxygen providers to ensure needs are met. Thus, oxygen therapy-related basic knowledge is important for PC experts who will be increasingly called upon to provide CB management advice. Education on outpatient oxygen use is not common in pulmonary or PC education and needs to be incorporated into training (96,97). In addition, there are limited reports on how to manage high flow oxygen use in the community (i.e., >15 LPM), a common occurrence in progressive F-ILD. Increasing provider competency in outpatient oxygen therapy will facilitate the patient centered goal of living and dying well at home while on high flow oxygen (98-100). Inpatient high flow oxygen has been shown to be effective in ILD in the short term (57,58).
It is important to recall that the uptake and adherence to oxygen therapy is highly variable and complex. It is determined by patient, provider, therapy and system characteristics. Patient perceived burden of therapy include cumbersome equipment, stigmatization, social isolation and lack of self-management education and community oxygen supports. Access to a consistent person with procedural knowledge about oxygen is also an important facilitator (88). Thus, physician acknowledgement, support and encouragement are vital to ensure proper oxygen use and perceived patient benefit. Technological innovation is also required to make oxygen therapy less cumbersome, with lightweight, portable equipment to meet high flow needs.
Opioids are the most studied pharmacologic agents for relieving CB. To date, only two small double-blinded, placebo-controlled, RCTs have examined the impact of opioids in F-ILD. The 2 RCTs examined immediate-release 5 mg every 6 hours and 20 mg of sustained-release oral morphine respectively. The former was ineffective for breathlessness reduction compared to placebo after 1 week but the authors opined that the direction of signal favored morphine (63). The second study, a crossover RCT did not reach the pre-planned sample size. Therefore, the findings were considered exploratory but the direction of signal also favored (64) (Table 3). Unfortunately, neither RCT described optimization of NPI or oxygen in any detail prior to morphine use. The stepwise CB approach recommends pharmacotherapy only after optimization of NPI and oxygen use. Thus, not ensuring the “right time” for morphine start may have impacted the results in both cases (101). Post-hoc analysis of other RCT data indicates that opioids may indeed be effective in a select group of patients with more functional impairment and more advanced disease (102). Unfortunately, the chosen inclusion criteria in the above referenced RCTs (MRC ≥3 and mMRC ≥2 respectively at baseline) may not have selected for the group most likely to respond. Real-world practice also suggests that opioids are often prescribed to patients with significant functional impairment with >90% opioid initiations occurring at EoL in one study (103). This group likely has poor HRQOL with significant CB-related impairment where minimal improvement in function may be perceived as net benefit by the patient (102,104). In a single center study with integrated symptom management within an ILD clinic, opioids were started at median 4 months prior to deaths after optimization of NPI and oxygen (84). Despite the above listed methodologic concerns, the RCT results are encouraging and results from other larger well-designed studies in F-ILD are awaited (105).
Given limited evidence experts recommend low-dose opioids only for individuals who remain breathlessness despite optimization of NPI and oxygen and who are likely at an advanced state of disease and in distress (106,107). Both the American Thoracic Society and American College of Chest Physicians dyspnea guidelines as well as IPF clinical practice guidelines suggest systemic opioids as a therapeutic option for the symptomatic reduction of CB (38,86,89). Proposed mechanisms whereby opioids relieve breathlessness include: decreasing respiratory drive with an associated decrease in corollary discharge; altering central perception; altering activity of peripheral opioid receptors located in the lung and decreasing anxiety. Most common starting doses are 1–10 mg oral morphine with recommended follow up within 1 week to assess response and make dose adjustments (108-110). A systematic review in COPD suggests that sustained-release opioids do not improve dyspnea. Short-acting opioids appear to be safe, have the potential to lessen dyspnea, supporting its benefit in managing episodes of breathlessness and providing prophylactic treatment for exertional dyspnea. These findings require further confirmation (111). The use of benzodiazepines and antidepressants for management of CB is not supported (Table 3). Others such as L-menthol are being examined in trials (69).
CB support services and care models
Specialized CB care models consist of multidisciplinary teams of allied staff, nurses and may include PC and/or respiratory physicians. They are dedicated to CB management. CB management involves identifying the most suitable interventions based on patient needs and personalizing them to the patient context, e.g., NPIs. Given all the barriers to symptom integration in routine care and in particular NPI implementation in real world clinics, such models are emerging as patient and family centered options. These models facilitate holistic CB assessment and undertake stepwise implementation of NPIs, oxygen and pharmacotherapies based on patients’ goals and preferences. They also provide patient education and support (112). A systematic review concluded that such models reduce breathlessness intensity and depression in patients with advanced disease with no observable effect on HRQOL, and mixed evidence around function (60). Another single-blind RCT showed significant improvements in mastery and HRQOL in favor of the intervention group but not in symptom scores (113). A single-blind RCT of patients with advanced respiratory conditions randomized to receive this type of care showed improved breathlessness mastery and possibly survival in subgroup of COPD and ILD patients (59). Qualitative analysis suggested that such models not only improved CB care but also improved patient confidence, control and dignity due to their holistic approach (114). A similar outpatient-based care model for F-ILD patients that integrated symptom management with routine care at visits every 6 weeks showed reduced CB burden and depression at the 12-month mark (77). A home-based care model led by a PC nurse who facilitated case conference for advanced ILD patients was also associated with improved PC outcomes, HRQOL, and anxiety and depression, but breathlessness was not assessed independently (115). This model employed a PC nurse who performed home visits, identified needs, created an interdisciplinary care plan and collaborated with allied staff to ensure care delivery. Outside of clinical trials access to such services is limited but there are a few real-world practices where the therapeutic strategies used in these models have been successfully integrated into routine care (74,104,116,117).
Proposed patient-centered CB management approach in F-ILD
The proposed stepwise approach tailors NPI, oxygen and opioids in response to various CB grades (mild, moderate and severe) based on dyspnea severity scores with rest, activities, ADL impairment and hypoxemia. It also addresses symptom crises (context and control domains of dyspnea) and caregiver concerns from diagnosis to EoL. This approach is informed by holistic CB assessment that relies on narrative enquiry along with the use of CB measurement tool (Figure 5) (101). The proposed management approach addresses gaps in CB care by focusing on early and personalized implementation of various types of NPIs that are not commonly considered in outpatient CB assessments. All interventions are guided by patient goals and contexts. Early assessments for exertional hypoxemia guide the use of oxygen for exertional then resting dyspnea as disease progresses. Opioids are added for worsening dyspnea and functional impairments only after optimization of all other therapies. Thus, emphasizing personalized timing and sequence of CB therapies (101,118).

The key to personalization of therapies is the use of Edmonton Dyspnea Inventory, patient reported dyspnea outcome measure, and a narrative approach to identify patient and carer needs, goals and prioritize actions (Figure 4) (30). Assessment based on these parameters is helpful to identify and triage patients appropriately. For example, patients with resting dyspnea and/or dyspnea with minimal activities like talking, eating, bathing etc. are at high risk of hospitalization (119,120). Therefore, urgent interventions may be beneficial in such cases. The use of this tool facilitates recognition of high-risk patients and the algorithm directs clinician to the most appropriate actions in a stepwise fashion. NPI are foundational to CB care and their success is predicated on patient engagement in the process. Therefore, NPI choice should be guided by patient goals, preferences, motivation and ability. Thus, clinicians should ascertain patient goals and preferences as the first step and review patient expectations whenever new interventions are applied. The goals of therapy are to minimize breathlessness distress and enable a better HRQOL as total resolution of CB may not be possible. Clarifying goals and reviewing expectations creates a shared understanding that is essential to success. In addition to formal PR program referral, other strategies like activity, behavior and environmental modifications are considered in a step-wise fashion as outlined in Figure 5. These NPI address patient need for practical and personalized advice to improve their “feel and function” (121). Self-management education can help patients understand CB, its triggers, recognize crises, how to manage and avoid these, how to become intentional and confident in the use of NPI, oxygen and medications. This facilitates adaptive coping. Caregiver needs should be reviewed and addressed at all stages when possible; their ongoing input is helpful to assess response to various therapies. Given chronicity many patients may downplay symptoms, or not fully appreciate impact that may be easily noticed by the caregiver instead.
With the onset of severe CB, worsening ADL impairments and respiratory failure patients will need more frequent follow up at shorter intervals. Home-based allied support may be beneficial in such cases to frequently assess oxygen needs and titrate oxygen rather than waiting for clinic appointments. Use of walking aids, wheelchairs and oxygen strollers can help reduce dyspnea distress, and oxygen needs by reducing metabolic demands during various activities and should be considered early and reassessed with progressive needs. When patients approach EoL and prefer care at home, in home-supports such as a hospital beds, wedge pillows, transfer lifts, bedside commode and urinals can be considered. Once NPI and oxygen are optimized, opioids can be considered in patients with severe CB with rest, minimal exertion, frequent crisis and/or impaired ADL. Low dose opioids, short-acting formulations are preferred to allow easy and frequent titrations. Scheduled and pre-emptive dosing can be considered for exertional or anticipated CB. Both oral and transmucosal routes can be beneficial as needed, the latter for more immediate effect as desired in a crisis situation (100). Providing written action plans are helpful to patients, their carers and other members of the care team so patients know what to do and who to call for support and additionally, consistent support and instructions can be provided to them by their home care team whenever needed (45). Early evidence from retrospective studies suggests many benefits including better care, improved symptoms, patients and carer confidence, preparedness and ability to cope (45,104,122). This approach is also associated with reduced hospitalizations and costs at EoL in F-ILD (123).
Limitations and strengths
The review has limitations. First, a systematic literature search was not undertaken, though efforts were made to provide most current and relevant information. A comprehensive review of all available CB assessment tools and CB management was not addressed here. This was deemed beyond the scope of this paper. Second, CB was explored in the context of F-ILD including IPF and other types of ILD depending on the available data. It is important to acknowledge that CB trajectories may vary based on the underlying ILD etiology. Lastly, this review serves as a summary of significant findings from original research studies.
Future directions
A comprehensive strategy is crucial for transforming breathlessness management in F-ILD. This involves increasing public and healthcare system awareness, enhancing clinician knowledge and competency, and fostering a holistic practice culture for CB care. Knowledge dissemination is needed for urgent translation of existing best practices. This should address systematic CB screening and assessment, prioritizing implementation of NPI, oxygen, opioids along with patient education. Access to home supports based on available resources is beneficial to patients and carers. Future efforts must also focus on high-quality research to inform integration of CB assessment and management. Many NPIs, prevalent in practice are derived from physiotherapy and occupational therapy literature and require further exploration in medical domain. Similarly, research on opioids is required to guide patient selection and prescribing. RCTs for many CB interventions (opioids, NPI) have proven challenging; trial populations are heterogenous with varying CB severity levels and impairments. In contrast real-world practice suggests benefits of various interventions in narrowly defined populations suggesting the need for careful consideration of inclusion criteria for participant recruitment. A better understanding of factors determining intervention responsiveness may lead to more refined inclusion criteria, increasing the likelihood of positive results and greater confidence in such results. However, this may necessitate larger and longer trials to accrue such a defined population in F-ILD. Assembling a researcher collaborative for prioritizing and standardizing meaningful outcomes for research, defining non-PR NPI, and supporting efforts to facilitate impactful research could be beneficial. Similar efforts in F-ILD have borne fruit.
Development and evaluation of self-management education for CB is also awaited, along with study of wearable devices, digital applications and remote monitoring tools. These technologies can map the trajectory of dyspnea, patient needs, and usage in real-world settings, potentially enhancing care (124). Given the inherent complexity of CB interventions, development and validation of clinical decision supports or algorithms similar to the described approach can empower clinicians in improving CB assessment and management (Figure 5). Evidence suggests that using validated management tools can lead to better care (125).
CB is prevalent in F-ILD causing considerable health-related suffering in patients and adding to caregiver burden. To ensure comprehensive care for ILD, clinicians need to actively identify, assess, treat CB, and, where possible, prevent crises. A proactive approach involves screening for CB and utilizing validated tools within a holistic narrative framework of assessment. The assessment aims to guide personalized CB management through four steps. First, optimizing disease-specific ILD treatments, including immunosuppressants, biologics, and anti-fibrotic agents. Second, implementing single or multicomponent NPI as the foundational step. Third, effectively using oxygen for exertional and resting hypoxemia. Finally, introducing opioids after sequential optimization of NPI and oxygen. Despite existing guidelines, decisions on CB therapies often hinge on provider preference or comfort and institutional practice cultures rather than careful consideration of patient-specific factors, existing evidence and common-sense. This hinders care as many providers shy away from CB. A commitment to changing clinician behaviors and shifting practice culture from disease-based to patient-centered will not only enhance patient and family lives but also benefit healthcare providers.
The author expresses gratitude to ILD patients and their families, Kaye Edmonton Clinic—ILD clinic staff, Dr. Janice Richman-Eisenstat, and many colleagues around the world who inspire her to carry on when things get tough.
Funding: None.
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Conflicts of Interest: The author has completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at The author reports grants from University Hospital Foundation, Alberta Health Services-SCN and Boehringer-Ingelheim in the past 3 years; and speaker fees from Boehringer-Ingelheim for lectures. The author has no other conflicts of interest to declare.
Ethical Statement: The author is accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
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